Scripture Reference Window
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Romans 2:17-24 CEV
(17) Some of you call yourselves Jews. You trust in the Law and take pride in God. (18) By reading the Scriptures you learn how God wants you to behave, and you discover what is right. (19) You are sure that you are a guide for the blind and a light for all who are in the dark. (20) And since there is knowledge and truth in God's Law, you think you can instruct fools and teach young people. (21) But how can you teach others when you refuse to learn? You preach that it is wrong to steal. But do you steal? (22) You say people should be faithful in marriage. But are you faithful? You hate idols, yet you rob their temples. (23) You take pride in the Law, but you disobey the Law and bring shame to God. (24) It is just as the Scriptures tell us, "You have made foreigners say insulting things about God."

Romans 2:17-24 ALT
(17) Listen! _You_ call yourself a Jew and rest [or, rely] on the Law and boast in God, (18) and you know His will and approve the essential [things] [or, the [things] of greater value], being instructed out of the Law, (19) and are confident [that] you yourself are a guide of blind ones, a light to the [ones] in darkness, (20) an instructor of foolish ones, a teacher of young children, having the form of the knowledge and of the truth in the Law. (21) Therefore, the one teaching another, you teach yourself, do you not? The one preaching not to steal, do you steal? (22) The one saying not to be committing adultery, do you commit adultery? The one detesting the idols, do you rob temples [or, commit sacrilege]? (23) You who boast [or, pride yourselves] in [the] Law, do you dishonor God through the transgression of the Law? (24) For "The name of God is blasphemed among the nations because of you*," just as it has been written. [Isaiah 52:5]
Isaiah 52:5 MKJV
(5) Now therefore, what have I here, says Jehovah, that My people are taken away for nothing? Those who rule make them howl, says Jehovah; and without ceasing My name is blasphemed every day.

Romans 2:17-24 BBE
(17) But as for you who have the name of Jew, and are resting on the law, and take pride in God, (18) And have knowledge of his desires, and are a judge of the things which are different, having the learning of the law, (19) In the belief that you are a guide to the blind, a light to those in the dark, (20) A teacher of the foolish, having in the law the form of knowledge and of what is true; (21) You who give teaching to others, do you give it to yourself? you who say that a man may not take what is not his, do you take what is not yours? (22) You who say that a man may not be untrue to his wife, are you true to yours? you who are a hater of images, do you do wrong to the house of God? (23) You who take pride in the law, are you doing wrong to the honour of God by behaviour which is against the law? (24) For the name of God is shamed among the Gentiles because of you, as it is said in the holy Writings.

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You will note the reference windows often include more than one translation of the Bible. The reason is to strive to gain the best possible understanding of the original Hebrew and Greek. Since we don't speak those languages, we rely on those who have come before and made the effort to translate those texts into English for us. Considering several translations gives the benefit of the understanding of several translation committees or individuals.
The Translations we quote are:

ALT - Analytical Literal Translation

ASV - American Standard Version (by the American revision committee in 1897).

Darby - 1889 Darby Bible

DRB - 1899 Douay-Rheims Bible

BBE - 1965 Bible in Basic English

LITV - Literal Translation of the Holy Bible

KJV - King James Version

MKJV - Modern King James Version

NWT - New World Translation

Webster - 1833 Webster Bible

RV - Revised Version

YLT - Young's Literal Translation